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The European Court of Justice has overturned a €6 billion ($6.6bn) bailout of Lufthansa by the German government during the COVID pandemic following a complaint lodged by Ryanair.

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5.58 MB11 May 2023

Unite, the UK’s leading aviation trade union, confirmed today (3 May) around 275 workers based at the nation’s largest airport in Edinburgh are to be balloted on strike action in a dispute over pay.

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1.62 MB8 May 2023

New Unite research has revealed that security officers at Heathrow are being paid £6,000 per year less than their counterparts at other London airports. This more than justifies the Heathrow workers’ strike action - Heathrow is the poverty pay citadel of London airports.

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1.32 MB8 May 2023

Si fermano anche alcuni dipendenti di Vueling e di Air Dolomiti (vettore proprietà di Lufthansa). Impatto sull'Italia - il primo maggio - per le agitazioni in Francia. I collegamenti blindati

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653.17 KB2 May 2023

The May Day – or International Workers’ Day – bank holiday, is a traditional day of protest, with around 300 taking place around France on Monday in continued defiance against pension reforms.

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2.06 MB2 May 2023

Il negoziato per l’ingresso di Lufthansa con una quota di minoranza nel capitale di Ita Airways è vicino al traguardo.

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1.28 MB26 April 2023

The boss of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, has launched a fresh attack on Brexit, describing it as “unbelievably messy” and predicting the UK would end up signing a Norway-style deal with the EU in the next 10 to 15 years under which it would pay into the bloc’s budget.

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1.63 MB20 April 2023

“Primo sciopero nazionale, il prossimo 19 maggio, dei lavoratori dell’handling aeroportuale”. A dichiararlo Filt Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti e Ugl Trasporto Aereo che spiegano: “da oltre sei anni non si riesce a sottoscrivere il rinnovo contrattuale e la situazione è divenuta ormai inaccettabile”.

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451.75 KB20 April 2023

Last year, environmentalist senators proposed a bill planning flights by private jet if the journey can be made by train in less than two-and-a-half hours - bringing private flights into line with commercial ones in France.

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1.49 MB20 April 2023

In this study, SEO Amsterdam Economics (SEO) and Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) calculate the expenditures necessary to achieve net zero aircraft CO2 emissions along the Destination 2050 pathway.

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580.55 KB20 April 2023

Aviation poses a difficult challenge to the global effort to decarbonize transportation. Air travel is popular, and emissions from the sector are growing rapidly. But the low-carbon technologies required to decarbonize aviation are immature and expensive.

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824.86 KB20 April 2023

Un vertiporto entro i prossimi due anni all’aeroporto di Bologna da dove di prevede decolleranno gli aerotaxi elettrici per il trasporto di persone e di merci diretti ai distretti industriali della regione, ma anche verso i luoghi turistici della costa romagnola in un raggio di 100-120 chilometri.

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477.69 KB20 April 2023

Earlier this week, Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport announced it aims to eliminate overnight flights by the end of 2025.

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1.7 MB20 April 2023

La ITA, società attualmente a controllo pubblico, è tenuta a consentire a chiunque l’accesso civico agli atti concernenti il reclutamento del personale. In quanto privato esercente un’attività di pubblico interesse, la ITA è tenuta a consentire al pilota ex Alitalia e al sindacato che vi abbia interesse l’accesso documentale agli atti.

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677.43 KB20 April 2023

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1.43 MB20 April 2023


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