University “Gabriele d’Annunzio”
of Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Fausta Guarriello is full professor of Labour Law, Industrial Relations and Transnational Labour Law at University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara. Former Head of the Department of Legal and Social Sciences, Jean Monnet Chair and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, she has been an appointed professor in the Faculty of Law at University LUISS Guido Carli in Rome and in the Faculty of Political Sciences at University Sapienza of Rome. Specialist in the field of labour law and industrial relations, also in the comparative dimension, as well as in the EU employment law and antidiscrimination law. Her recent works concern the prospect of mandatory human rights due diligence and the role that social partners can play; the emergency of the right to collective bargaining for platform workers; the change in labour law and collective bargaining systems following the austerity measures adopted in European countries; the process of implementation of transnational company agreements in multinational companies and their global value chains.
Invited professor at University of Sevilla, Paris-Cachan, Avignon, Athens, Thessaloniqui during her sabbatical 2018-2019, she is co-editor of one of the most prestigious Italian journal in the field, Giornale di diritto del lavoro e di relazioni industriali, founded by Gino Giugni, and member of the editorial board of other relevant scientific journals such as the Rivista giuridica del lavoro and the Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro.
University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Piera Campanella is Full Professor of Labour Law in the Department of Law (DiGiur) at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy). She is a member of the Italian Association for Labour Law and Social Security. She is author of two books about trade union and labour law as well as of other publications, in particular on trade union law and industrial relations issues: union representation and representativeness; collective bargaining; industrial conflict; wages in the European crisis.

Davide Dazzi is a Researcher of the Institute for Economic and Social Research, the union related research Institute of Cgil Emilia-Romagna. His research activities are mainly focused on industrial relations and worker participation, working conditions and occupational welfare, labour market and vocational training with specific interest in the comparison between local, national and European levels. He has a long experience as project partner and research coordinator in international projects funded by the European Commission, Eurofound, ETUC. The most recent projects conducted at the European level were oriented to investigate the industrial relations in Multinational companies and the impact of digitalisation on IR practices.
University of Lodz

Izabela Florczak – PhD in Law, legal adviser; assistant professor at the Department of Labour Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź; Vice Director of the Centre of Migration Studies of the University of Lodz; member of numerous scientific committees, speaker at numerous international and national conferences, researcher and chief of numerous scientific projects. Her scientific interests focus on the basics of employment, labour rights and labour migration.
University of Lodz

Marta Otto is an Assistant Professor for Labour Law, at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz (Poland). Her scientific portfolio includes numerous international research projects, publications and conference presentations concerning labour law and social policy. More recently, she coordinates one of the sections of the international project i-Rel Smarter industrial relations to address new technological challenges in the world of work, funded by the European Commission. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of Labour Law Research Network (2021-23), and AI Work Team (University of Lodz). Marta Otto holds a PhD degree from the Department of Law of the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), and is a former scholar of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security Law, Centre de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (Bordeaux, France), and Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail, (Montreal, Canada).
SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Hanna Kinowska. Doctor of economic sciences. Assistant professor at the Institute of Human Capital at the Warsaw School of Economics. She combines science with practice. Author of numerous publications in the field of HR management. She conducts master’s and post-graduate courses in HR management and motivation.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Dr. Izabela Buchowicz is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Institute of Social Economy at the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. Her research interests are in the field of education policy and equalization of young people chances. She participates in studies and research regarding the theory and practice of public policy.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Łukasz Sienkiewicz – habilitated doctor of social sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. His research interests include human capital management and measurement, labour market intelligence, research methods, as well as technological, social and economic transformation in future skills requirements. He currently holds a number of expert roles in the area of labour market, human capital and skills. Since 2013 he is a national expert in Skills forecasting and labour market developments with CEDEFOP and labour market and public employment services expert for the European Commission.
University of Copenhagen

Steen E. Navrbjerg is employed at FAOS (Employment Relations Research Centre) at department of Sociology and part of the research group Knowledge, Organisation and Politics. His current research includes: Analysis of multinationals companies employment practices and value chains and their impact on national labor market models, including the international research network INTREPID (Employment Practices of Multinationals in Organizational Context – in cooperation with research groups from 8 countries). The relations between employers and employees at workplace level, including longitudinal studies of employee representatives worklife and role as mediator at the workplace (TR-survey 1998 and TR-survey 2010). Both projects employed responses from 8,000 LO shop stewards to analyze shop stewards working conditions and cooperation at workplace level. They 2010 survey included responses from some 1,600 employers and as well as 1,475 rank and file colleagues and 225 local unions. The significance of alternative unions and disorganized labour for trade union forces, particularly at workplace level. Analysis of employers’ organizations in Denmark, including their various functions in relation to the Danish labor market model.
University of Sevilla

Full professor in Labour Law and Social Security, Seville University. PhD in Law and Chair. President of the National Consultative Commission of Collective Agreements (Ministry of Labour and Social Economy). Director of the Labour Affairs Industrial Relations and Social Welfare Andalusian Review. Referee of the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service SIMA and the Extrajudicial Collective Labour Disputes Resolution SERCLA. Member of: Group of the Ministry of Justice responsible for wording the provisions of the Labour Procedure Law (1990), Experts Committee on the Reform of Title II of the Workers’ Statute (1994), Experts Committee on Social Dialogue (2005), Experts Committee of the report “A Statute for the Promotion and the Tuition of Self- Employed Workers” (2005) and Experts Committee appointed by the Autonomous Government of Andalucia to write the White Book on Employment Quality (2005). He holds the San Raimundo of Pe afort Cross of Honour. Proficiency in Italian, French and English for research purposes.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Magdalena Nogueira Guastavino is Full Professor of Labor and Social Security Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Masters of Laws (LLM) in Labor and Tax Law at Autonomous University of Madrid and European Social Fund (1988-89). She worked as legal advisor at the Constitutional Court to former Chief justice Eugenio Gay (200-2007). She has been Vice President (2014-2017) and Secretary General (2000-2013) of the Spanish Association of Labor Law and Social Security (AEDTSS). She was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law of the UAM (1995-2000). She has participated in numerous international research projects (European Justice Programme (JUST-AG-2017) TOP: Transnational protocols: a cooperative tool form managing cross-border insolvency, 2017-2020; DG EMPLE.BI VS/2012/0418, International industrial relations: increasing and disseminating expertise. Focus on the Mediterranean countries REINDIE; European Commission DGV Peer Review Programme 2000 about Flexibility and Security Act. The Netherlands, 2000; Regionalisation of public employment services. Features and impact on the delivery of employment services. A comparative Analysis between Belgium, Italy and Spain 2000International industrial relations: increasing and disseminating expertise. Focus on the Mediterranean countries, 2012-13) as well as national.
University of Maynooth

Michael Doherty is Full Professor of Law, and Head of the School of Law & Criminology, at Maynooth University (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), with particular expertise in the areas of Irish and EU employment and labour law, industrial relations, and social dialogue and collective bargaining. He has published widely in national and international outlets on all of these topics and presented his work at numerous domestic and international conferences. He has worked on a number of projects for the European Commission, on cross-border working terms and conditions, and platform work, as part of European-wide research networks and as co-investigator on a major, EU-funded project on public procurement. He has worked on a major European Parliament study on free movement of labour, on projects on the REFIT of the Written Statements Directive, and is a member of several European research networks looking at labour law in the EU.
University of Maynooth

David Mangan – A barrister & solicitor (Canada), David has held academic positions in Canada, Ireland, and the UK where he was Associate Professor and Deputy Associate Dean (International). His research focuses on labour/employment and obligations (contract, tort), particularly the effect of information technology on these areas. David’s work has been published in Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Labour Law Journal, and a co-editor of the Wolters Kluwer blog Global Workplace Law & Policy.
University of Strasbourg

Marco Rocca is Permanent Researcher in labour law at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and affiliated to the DRES research unit of the University of Strasbourg. He is Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project “European Birds of Passage – An Empirical Legal Theory of Temporary Labour Migration in Europe” (2022-2027). He has been partner of the project MEAT.UP.FFIRE (VP/2017/004, 2018-2020), focusing on working conditions and industrial relations in the pork meat value chain, as well as of the MOBILIVE project (VP/2019/004, 2020-2021), which dealt with international labour mobility in the live performance sector.

Matt Hancock is an independent organization development consultant and researcher based in Bologna, Italy. Matt’s expertise is in socio-technical systems design, worker participation, labor-management collaboration, interest-based problem solving and group process design and facilitation. As a consultant, Matt has helped workers increase their voice through open book management, continuous improvement, labor-management partnerships and innovative collective bargaining approaches. His research has focused on new forms of work organization, worker participation in cooperatives and employee-owned firms and high performance work organizations.