News about the project
29 May 2023
Turbulence: The e-Newsletter of the VIRAL ProjectOn January 25, 2023, the European Commission issued a communication called Strengthening Social Dialogue in the European Union: Harnessing its full
25 May 2023
Partner Spotlight: Marco Rocca #3Interview with Marco Rocca, Permanent Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research, University of Strasbourg. To
25 May 2023
Labor Law Research Network 6 (LLRN6)VIRAL partners Michael Doherty (Maynooth University, Ireland), Steen Erik Navrbjerg (FAOS, University of Copenhagan, Denmark), Izabela Florczak (University of Łódź, Poland),
10 May 2023
Per un rafforzamento del dialogo sociale europeo nel trasporto aereoPer un rafforzamento del dialogo sociale europeo nel trasporto aereo Open seminar EU project: Varieties of Industrial Relations in Aviation after
4 July 2023
Presenting VIRAL paper on labour shortage and (lack of resilience ) in the aviation value chain Michael W. and me at International HRM conference in London
4 July 2023
Dall’Europa nuovi problemi per il salario minimo all’italianaNel maggio 2020, per far fronte agli effetti del lockdown, il governo italiano stanzia 130 milioni di euro per la compensazione dei danni subiti dagli operatori del settore aereo titolari di una licenza italiana. Per poter beneficiare della misura, le compagnie aeree devono rispettare determinati requisiti: tra questi, l’erogazione
3 July 2023
EU gives €1 billion to firms shamed over workers’ rights violationsCompanies named and shamed today for violating workers’ rights in Europe have received more than a billion Euro in EU funding. The Global Rights Index published by the International Trade Union Confederation lists 15 companies who they have found to have flouted labour law or ignored workers’ and trade union rights