• Coordinator: Prof. FAUSTA GUARRIELLO

  • +39 085 4537093

  • f.guarriello@unich.it


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Aviation News

8 May 2023

Heathrow Airport strikes to go ahead as last-minute talks fail

New Unite research has revealed that security officers at Heathrow are being paid £6,000 per year less than their counterparts at other London airports. This more than justifies the Heathrow workers’ strike action - Heathrow is the poverty pay citadel of London airports.   [Read full article on "Unite The Union"]

4 May 2023

Ita Airways

Aerei, sciopero di 4 ore. Ita annulla 47 voli Dalle 13 alle 17 incrociano le braccia i controllori di volo Enav del centro di controllo di Roma, i piloti e gli assistenti di volo di Vueling e gli assistenti di volo di Air Dolomiti [Read full article on Il Sole 24 Ore]

2 May 2023

French air traffic control strike dates: Which flights are cancelled, and if ferries and trains are affected

The May Day – or International Workers’ Day – bank holiday, is a traditional day of protest, with around 300 taking place around France on Monday in continued defiance against pension reforms. [Read full article on Inews]

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